Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Brazil part 11...Day 10

On Friday morning, I woke up and had breakfast with Allen and Robin and then I went with Robin to pick up Laura and Tyler from school. They got out at 10:30 that morning because Brazil was playing in the World Cup at 11!

When we got back to their house, another family from church came over to watch the game and then have lunch!

Later that afternoon we went to Tyler and Laura's music performance! Tyler played the drums and Laura sang! I'm so glad we got to go! They did such a great job!!!! Allen's mother and sister and her family came to the performance and then came back to the house with us! We had that delicious chocolate cake again!!! We all just hung out talked until 8 pm or so. We went to dinner at a normal Brazilian time which was 8:30 I think! They took us to this really great little outdoor restaurant. I don't know how to describe what they have there but they were so good!!!!
We were all pretty tired when we got home so we all went to bed!

Laura and I before her performance

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