Friday, July 2, 2010

Brazil part 2... Day 1

Once we got through customs, Wes Gotcher was there to pick us up! We pretty much brought our whole house with us so we collected all our luggage and piled into the van. We made the drive through parts of Rio, then across the bay bridge to Niteroi. It was such a pretty day! Then we went to our hotel for an hour or so to rest and shower! We got to stay in a little apartment with 3 bedrooms. After resting for a while, we met Wes and Carrie Gotcher and Brent Nicholes at a little cafe down the street from our hotel for lunch. It was so great to see all of them again!

Brazil has amazing food! One of my favorite things there is Guarana which is Brazilian soda. I love it so much!!

After lunch we all walked down to the Niteroi beach which is about 2 blocks from our hotel.
The beach has some of the prettiest views of Rio. People don't swim there though because it is polluted. But it is beautiful!!! Here are some pictures. I know I put some of these on here already but they are just so pretty!!

Carrie Gotcher and I! Carrie was my voice teacher for a year and half before they left for Brazil!

The Christ statue is on top of the mountain!

We got to relax at the beach for a while and then we went back to our Hotel. That night we went to the church to the English class Carrie was teaching. The walk from our hotel to the church is about 30 minutes! We stopped at a little store on the way to get some snacks. Another one of my favorite foods there is Pao de Queijo which is Brazilian cheese bread! Oh my I ate so many while I was there!! They are so wonderful! Just give me pao de Queijo and Guarana and I'll be happy!

At the English class they were learning numbers and phrases like my name is, how are you, and those kinds of things. It was funny because when the class would repeat what Carrie told us to, I felt like I was saying it wrong even though I've spoken english my whole life! The class finished up at 9 and then we walked back to our hotel. It was great to be able to go to the English class and meet lots of people!

We got back to our hotel and were almost asleep when this huge bang went off!!!It sounded like it was right outside our window!! We learned that because of the World Cup, people just shoot off fireworks and horns anytime, anywhere! It's very hard to get used to!

We had a wonderful first day but we were ready to sleep somewhere else besides the plane!!!

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